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English-Hungarian dictionary

English-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-English dictionary
93206 Words
208926 Translations
3026 Examples
340 Expressions
matches in the
bookv intrans v USA: bʊ'k UK: bʊk
bookv trans v USA: bʊ'k UK: bʊk
book a berthexp USA: bʊ'k eɪ' bəː'θ UK: bʊk eɪ bəːθ
book a seatexp USA: bʊ'k eɪ' siː't UK: bʊk eɪ siːt
book a sleeperexp USA: bʊ'k eɪ' sliː'pəː· UK: bʊk eɪ sliːpər
book a sleeperexp USA: bʊ'k eɪ' sliː'pəː· UK: bʊk eɪ sliːpər
book a tourexp USA: bʊ'k eɪ' tʊ'r UK: bʊk eɪ tʊər
book bagnoun USA: bʊ'k bæ'g UK: bʊk bæg
book casenoun USA: bʊ'k keɪ's UK: bʊk keɪs
book clubnoun USA: bʊ'k klʌ'b UK: bʊk klʌb
book / cookery -noun UK: bʊk kʊkəriː
book entryexp USA: bʊ'k e'ntriː· UK: bʊk entriː
book in advanceexp USA: bʊ'k ɪ'n ʌ·dvæ'ns UK: bʊk ɪn ədvɑns
book jacketnoun USA: bʊ'k ʤæ'kʌ·t UK: bʊk ʤækɪt
book jacketexp USA: bʊ'k ʤæ'kʌ·t UK: bʊk ʤækɪt
book keepingexp USA: bʊ'k kiː'pɪ·ŋ UK: bʊk kiːpɪŋ
book of accountexp USA: bʊ'k ʌ·v ʌ·kaʊ'nt UK: bʊk ɔv əkaʊnt
book of accountsexp USA: bʊ'k ʌ·v ʌ·kaʊ'nts UK: bʊk ɔv əkaʊnts
book of chequesexp UK: bʊk ɔv tʃeks
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