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English-Hungarian dictionary

English-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-English dictionary
93206 Words
208926 Translations
3026 Examples
340 Expressions
mistakenoun USA: mɪ"steɪ'k UK: mɪsteɪk
    1. It was a great mistake that I let you into the Throne Room.
        1. Nagy hiba volt, hogy egyáltalában beengedtelek titeket a trónterembe.
    1. If you don't make mistakes, you don't make anything.
        1. Csak az nem követ el hibát, aki nem dolgozik.
mistake / by -adv USA: mɪ"steɪ'k baɪ' UK: mɪsteɪk baɪ
mistake forexp USA: mɪ"steɪ'k frəː· UK: mɪsteɪk fəː
mistake / make a -v USA: mɪ"steɪ'k meɪ'k eɪ' UK: mɪsteɪk meɪk eɪ
mistake , mistook, mistaken 2exp
mistake sg for sgv
mistakenadj USA: mɪ"steɪ'kʌ·n UK: mɪsteɪkn
mistaken identityexp USA: mɪ"steɪ'kʌ·n aɪ·de'nʌ·tiː· UK: mɪsteɪkn aɪdentɪtiː
mistakenlyadv USA: mɪ"steɪ'kʌ·nliː· UK: mɪsteɪknliː
by mistakeexp USA: baɪ' mɪ"steɪ'k UK: baɪ mɪsteɪk
gross mistakeexp USA: groʊ's mɪ"steɪ'k UK: groʊs mɪsteɪk
verbal mistakeexp USA: vəː'bʌ·l mɪ"steɪ'k UK: vəːbl mɪsteɪk
and no mistakeexp USA: ʌ·nd noʊ' mɪ"steɪ'k UK: ənd noʊ mɪsteɪk
make a mistakeexp USA: meɪ'k eɪ' mɪ"steɪ'k UK: meɪk eɪ mɪsteɪk
make no mistakeexp USA: meɪ'k noʊ' mɪ"steɪ'k UK: meɪk noʊ mɪsteɪk
if i mistake notexp USA: ʌ·f aɪ' mɪ"steɪ'k nɔ't UK: ɪf aɪ mɪsteɪk nɔt
there you are mistakeexp USA: ðe'r yuː' əː· mɪ"steɪ'k UK: ðeər juː ɑr mɪsteɪk
there you are mistakenexp USA: ðe'r yuː' əː· mɪ"steɪ'kʌ·n UK: ðeər juː ɑr mɪsteɪkn
unless i am mistakenexp USA: ʌ·nle's aɪ' eɪ'e'm mɪ"steɪ'kʌ·n UK: ənles aɪ æm mɪsteɪkn
that is where you are mistakenexp USA: ðʌ·t ʌ·z hwe'r yuː' əː· mɪ"steɪ'kʌ·n UK: ðət ɪz weər juː ɑr mɪsteɪkn
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