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English-Hungarian dictionary

English-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-English dictionary
93206 Words
208926 Translations
3026 Examples
340 Expressions
    1. screw up
      USA: skruː' ʌ'p UK: skruː ʌp
    1. screw on
      USA: skruː' ɔ'n UK: skruː ɔn
    1. press on
      USA: pre's ɔ'n UK: pres ɔn
    1. hitch
      USA: hɪ'tʃ UK: hɪtʃ
    1. hitch up
      USA: hɪ'tʃ ʌ'p UK: hɪtʃ ʌp
    1. fix on
      USA: fɪ'ks ɔ'n UK: fɪks ɔn
    1. apply
      USA: ʌ·plaɪ' UK: əplaɪ
    1. affix
      USA: ʌ·fɪ'ks UK: əfɪks
    1. mounted
      USA: maʊ'nʌ·d UK: maʊntɪd
    1. affixture
      UK: æfɪkstʃə
    1. affixing
      USA: ʌ·fɪ'ksɪ·ŋ UK: əfɪksɪŋ
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