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English-Hungarian dictionary

English-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-English dictionary
93206 Words
208926 Translations
3026 Examples
340 Expressions
    1. vice
      USA: vaɪ's UK: vaɪsiː
    1. profligacy
      USA: prɔː'flɪ·gæ"siː· UK: prɔflɪgəsiː
    1. excess
      USA: ɪ·kse's UK: ɪkses
    1. A rendszeres mozgás és célirányos diéta segít megszabadulni a súlyfeleslegtől.
        1. Regular exercise and targeted diet can help you lose excess weight.
    2. A túl sok ón lágyítja az anyagot.
        1. The excess of tin renders the material too tender.
    1. dissipation
      USA: dɪ"sʌ·peɪ'ʃʌ·n UK: dɪsɪpeɪʃn
    1. debauchery
      USA: dʌ·bɔː'tʃəː·iː· UK: dɪbɔːtʃəriː
kicsapongásra csábítv
    1. debauch
      UK: dɪbɔːtʃ
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