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English-Hungarian dictionary

English-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-English dictionary
93206 Words
208926 Translations
3026 Examples
340 Expressions
    1. lessen
      USA: le'sʌ·n UK: lesn
    1. drop to
      USA: drɔ'p tʌ· UK: drɔp tuː
    1. diminish
      USA: dʌ·mɪ'nɪ·ʃ UK: dɪmɪnɪʃ
    1. decrease
      USA: diː'kriː"s UK: diːkriːs
lecsökken (láz)v
    1. subside
      USA: sʌ·bsaɪ'd UK: səbsaɪd
    1. drop
      USA: drɔ'p UK: drɔp
    1. A felmérés 5 százalékos visszaesést mutat a mobiltelefon-eladásban.
        1. The survey shows a 5 per cent drop in the sales of mobile phones.
    1. abate
      USA: ʌ·beɪ't UK: əbeɪt
lecsökken (üzleti haszon)v
    1. fall off
      USA: fɔ'l ɔː'f UK: fɔːl ɔf
    1. decline
      USA: dɪ·klaɪ'n UK: dɪklaɪn
leküld; lecsökkentv
    1. send down
      USA: se'nd daʊ'n UK: send daʊn
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