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English-Hungarian dictionary

English-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-English dictionary
93206 Words
208926 Translations
3026 Examples
340 Expressions
horsenoun USA: hɔː'rs UK: hɔːs
horsev intrans v USA: hɔː'rs UK: hɔːs
horsev trans v USA: hɔː'rs UK: hɔːs
    1. A horse may stumble that has four legs.
        1. A lónak négy lába van, mégis megbotlik.
    2. The common horse is worst shod.
        1. Közös lónak túros a háta.
    3. All lay load on the willing horse.
        1. Azt a lovat ütik, amelyik jobban húz.
horse beanexp USA: hɔː'rs biː'n UK: hɔːs biːn
horse busnoun USA: hɔː'rs bʌ's UK: hɔːs bʌs
horse chestnutexp USA: hɔː'rs tʃe'stnʌ"t UK: hɔːs tʃesnʌt
horse dungnoun USA: hɔː'rs dʌ'ŋ UK: hɔːs dʌŋ
Horse Guardsnoun noun USA: hɔː'rs gɔ'rdz UK: hɔːs gɑdz
horse radishexp USA: hɔː'rs ræ'dɪ·ʃ UK: hɔːs rædɪʃ
horse radishexp USA: hɔː'rs ræ'dɪ·ʃ UK: hɔːs rædɪʃ
horse ridingnoun USA: hɔː'rs raɪ'dɪ·ŋ UK: hɔːs raɪdɪŋ
horse sensenoun USA: hɔː'rs se'ns UK: hɔːs sens
horse tramnoun USA: hɔː'rs træ'm UK: hɔːs træm
horse tramwaynoun UK: hɔːs træmweɪ
horse trotnoun USA: hɔː'rs trɔ't UK: hɔːs trɔt
horse up on its toesexp USA: hɔː'rs ʌ'p ɔ'n ʌ·ts toʊ'z UK: hɔːs ʌp ɔn ɪts toʊz
horse-chestnut treeexp
horsefeathers!interj UK: hɔːsfeðəz
horseflynoun UK: hɔːsflaɪ
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