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Fran Paragraph

French-English open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: oneworldrentalca
Reverse dictionary: Eng Paragraph
0 Words
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8 matches in 5 dictionaries. Details
    1. storm
      USA: stɔː'rm UK: stɔːm
    1. run
      USA: rʌ'n UK: rʌn
    1. raid
      USA: reɪ'd UK: reɪd
  1. mil
    1. inroad
      USA: ɪ'nroʊ"d UK: ɪnroʊd
támadás, megrohanásexp
váratlan megrohanásnoun
    1. swoop
      USA: swuː'p UK: swuːp
lecsapás, hirtelen megrohanásexp
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