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French-Hungarian extra dictionary

French-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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42649 Words
44057 Translations
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matches in the
canev trans v USA: keɪ'n UK: keɪn
cane sugarnoun USA: keɪ'n ʃʊ'gəː· UK: keɪn ʃʊgər
canellanoun UK: kænelə
caninenoun USA: keɪ'naɪ"n UK: keɪnaɪn
canineadj USA: keɪ'naɪ"n UK: keɪnaɪn
canine toothnoun USA: keɪ'naɪ"n tuː'θ UK: keɪnaɪn tuːθ
caningnoun USA: keɪ'nɪ·ŋ UK: keɪnɪŋ
canisternoun USA: kæ'nʌ·stəː· UK: kænɪstər
canisterv trans v USA: kæ'nʌ·stəː· UK: kænɪstər
cankernoun USA: kæ'ŋkəː· UK: kæŋkər
cankerousadj UK: kæŋkərəs
cannedadj USA: kæ'nd UK: kænd
canned fishexp USA: kæ'nd fɪ'ʃ UK: kænd fɪʃ
canned foodnoun USA: kæ'nd fuː'd UK: kænd fuːd
canned fruitnoun USA: kæ'nd fruː't UK: kænd fruːt
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