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Almanca-Türkçe Sözlük

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Reverse dictionary: Türkçe-Almanca Sözlük
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blahadj USA: blɔ' UK: blɑ
blainnoun USA: bleɪ'n UK: bleɪn
Blaisenoun USA: bleɪ'z
blamableadj UK: bleɪməbl
blamenoun USA: bleɪ'm UK: bleɪm
    1. The blame is mine.
        1. Rajtam a felelősség.
blamev trans v USA: bleɪ'm UK: bleɪm
    1. Don't blame me if you miss the bus.
        1. Ne engem hibáztass ha lekésed a buszt.
    2. Sally blames her mother for the accident.
        1. Sally az anyját okolja a balesetért.
    3. You can't blame anyone but yourself.
        1. Csak magadnak tehetsz szemrehányást.
blamedadj USA: bleɪ'md UK: bleɪmd
blamelessadj USA: bleɪ'mlʌ·s UK: bleɪmləs
blameworthyadj UK: bleɪmwəːðiː
blanchv intrans v USA: blæ'ntʃ UK: blɑntʃ
blanchv trans v USA: blæ'ntʃ UK: blɑntʃ
blanchadj USA: blæ'ntʃ UK: blɑntʃ
blanched celeryexp UK: blɑntʃt seləriː
blanchingv UK: blɑntʃɪŋ
blancmangenoun UK: bləmɔnʒ
blandishv trans v UK: blændɪʃ
blandishmentnoun USA: blæ'ndɪ·ʃmʌ·nt UK: blændɪʃmənt
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