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German-Hungarian dictionary

German-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
I am anonymous user in this dictionary
Administrators of the dictionary: admin, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-German dictionary
35043 Words
72606 Translations
0 Examples
30 Expressions

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Submitted requests and user suggestions help to nurture a vivid community and enrich the vocabulary of the dictionaries. Anyone can submit requests for missing words or suggest corrections for existing ones. These requests will be processed by the dictionary editors, the enhanced vocabulary will become part of future search results. If you want to take part in this process, join the dictionary and become an editor. To do so, you will need to register or log in to SZTAKI Szótár here.

Elvállalható feladatok

Bulk operations
WordActionCreated byLast updatedsort iconCommentsDrop votesTags
GrundstücksverkehrsgenehmigungszuständigkeitsübertragungsverordnungInsertAnonymous2012/09/23 - 23:56
einige MaleInsertAnonymous2012/09/24 - 09:58
ehrlich gesagtInsertAnonymous2012/09/24 - 14:41
einlegenInsertAnonymous2012/09/24 - 17:22
erklärenInsertAnonymous2012/09/24 - 17:25
KursleiterInsertAnonymous2012/09/24 - 17:29
das BeinInsertAnonymous2012/09/24 - 17:44
exkl. MehrwertsteuerInsertAnonymous2012/09/24 - 19:22
enttäuschtInsertAnonymous2012/09/25 - 09:18
enttäuschenInsertAnonymous2012/09/25 - 10:18
Ableitung von der StreckeInsertAnonymous2012/09/26 - 11:22
kunstlosModifyAnonymous2012/09/26 - 12:01
werteInsertAnonymous2012/09/26 - 14:04
brünettInsertAnonymous2012/09/26 - 15:48
HarzInsertAnonymous2012/09/27 - 09:51

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