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German-Hungarian extra dictionary

German-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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14117 Words
15051 Translations
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bowlv trans v USA: boʊ'l UK: boʊl
bowlv intrans v USA: boʊ'l UK: boʊl
bowl alongv intrans v USA: boʊ'l ʌ·lɔː'ŋ UK: boʊl əlɔŋ
bowl capitalnoun USA: boʊ'l kæ'pʌ·tʌ·l UK: boʊl kæpɪtəl
bowl outv trans v USA: boʊ'l aʊ't UK: boʊl aʊt
bowl overv trans v USA: boʊ'l oʊ'vəː· UK: boʊl oʊvər
bowl / to go -ing 2.exp
bow-leggedadj UK: boʊlegɪd
bowlernoun USA: boʊ'ləː· UK: boʊlər
bowler hatnoun USA: boʊ'ləː· hæ't UK: boʊlər hæt
bowler-hatv trans v
bowlinenoun UK: boʊlɪn
bowlingnoun USA: boʊ'lɪ·ŋ UK: boʊlɪŋ
bowling alleynoun USA: boʊ'lɪ·ŋ æ'liː· UK: boʊlɪŋ æliː
bowling greennoun USA: boʊ'lɪ·ŋ griː'n UK: boʊlɪŋ griːn
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