German-Hungarian extra dictionary
German-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Hungarian-German extra dictionary
499 matches in 3 dictionaries.
eat one's heart out USA: iː't wʌ'nz hɔ'rt aʊ't UK: iːt wʌnz hɑt aʊt
i can't hold out much longer USA: aɪ' kæ'nt hoʊ'ld aʊ't mʌ'tʃ lɔː'ŋgəː· UK: aɪ kænt hoʊld aʊt mʌtʃ lɔŋgər
make a mountain out of a molehill USA: meɪ'k eɪ' maʊ'ntʌ·n aʊ't ʌ·v eɪ' moʊ'lhɪ"l UK: meɪk eɪ maʊntɪn aʊt ɔv eɪ moʊlhɪl
i cannot get it out my mind USA: aɪ' kʌ·nɔ't gɪ't ʌ·t aʊ't maɪ' maɪ'nd UK: aɪ kænət get ɪt aʊt maɪ maɪnd
out at heels
out of breath
out of collar
out of commission
out of control
out of danger
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