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German-Hungarian extra dictionary

German-Hungarian open and publicly listed dictionary
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14117 Words
15051 Translations
0 Examples
0 Expressions
428 matches in 18 dictionaries.
servo motorsundef
federal motorwayundef
alternating current motorundef
slip ring motorundef
squirrel cage motorundef
start a motorundef
long stator linear motorundef
short stator linear motorundef
r Motornoun 'moːtoːɐ
  1. pluralForm:
  2. Motore
  3. Motoren
  1. genitiveForm:
  2. Motors
  1. figurative
s Motorbootnoun
s Motorgehäusenoun
e Motorhaubenoun
e Motorhaubenoun
e Motorpannenoun
s Motorradnoun
s Motorradrennennoun
r Motorrollernoun
r Motorwagennoun
der Motor knalltexp
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