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467 matches in 18 dictionaries. Details
ball gameexp USA: bɔː'l geɪ'm UK: bɔːl geɪm
ballistanoun UK: bəlɪstə
ballisticadj USA: bʌ·lɪ'stɪ·k UK: bəlɪstɪk
ballistic missilenoun USA: bʌ·lɪ'stɪ·k mɪ'sʌ·l UK: bəlɪstɪk mɪsaɪl
ballistic rockernoun USA: bʌ·lɪ'stɪ·k rɔ'kəː· UK: bəlɪstɪk rɔkər
ballistic rocketnoun USA: bʌ·lɪ'stɪ·k rɔ'kʌ·t UK: bəlɪstɪk rɔkɪt
ballisticsnoun noun USA: bʌ·lɪ'stɪ·ks UK: bəlɪstɪks
ballistic thrownoun USA: bʌ·lɪ'stɪ·k θroʊ' UK: bəlɪstɪk θroʊ
ball / keep the - rollingexp USA: bɔː'l kiː'p ðiː· roʊ'lɪ·ŋ UK: bɔːl kiːp ðiː roʊlɪŋ
ball lighteningnoun USA: bɔː'l laɪ'tʌ·nɪ·ŋ UK: bɔːl laɪtnɪŋ
ball of footexp USA: bɔː'l ʌ·v fʊ't UK: bɔːl ɔv fʊt
balloonnoun USA: bʌ·luː'n UK: bəluːn
balloonv trans v USA: bʌ·luː'n UK: bəluːn
balloonistnoun USA: bʌ·luː'nʌ·st UK: bəluːnɪst
ballotnoun USA: bæ'lʌ·t UK: bælət
ballotv trans v USA: bæ'lʌ·t UK: bælət
ballparknoun USA: bɔː'lpɔ"rk UK: bɔːlpɑk
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