Magyar-angol (vivi)
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Reverse dictionary: Angol-magyar (vivi)
369 matches in 3 dictionaries.
of all things USA: ʌ·v ɔː'l θɪ'ŋz UK: ɔv ɔːl θɪŋz
all other things being equal USA: ɔː'l ʌ'ðəː· θɪ'ŋz biː'ɪ·ŋ iː'kwʌ·l UK: ɔːl ʌðər θɪŋz biːɪŋ iːkwəl
how do things stand with you? USA: haʊ' duː' θɪ'ŋz stæ'nd wʌ·ð yuː' UK: haʊ duː θɪŋz stænd wɪð juː
that'll even things up
i'll make things warm for you! USA: ɪ'l meɪ'k θɪ'ŋz wɔː'rm frəː· yuː' UK: ɪl meɪk θɪŋz wɔːm fəː juː
i'll make things warm for you USA: ɪ'l meɪ'k θɪ'ŋz wɔː'rm frəː· yuː' UK: ɪl meɪk θɪŋz wɔːm fəː juː
taking one thing with another USA: teɪ'kɪ·ŋ hwʌ'n θɪ'ŋ wʌ·ð ʌ·nʌ'ðəː· UK: teɪkɪŋ wʌn θɪŋ wɪð ənʌðər
don't you think?
i don't think
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