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Hungarian-English Dictionary of Politics and Society

Hungarian-English moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: lexicography
23 Words
27 Translations
1 Examples
0 Expressions
24 matches in 2 dictionaries. Details
all rightexp USA: ɔː'l raɪ't UK: ɔːl raɪt
all right!exp USA: ɔː'l raɪ't UK: ɔːl raɪt
all rights reservedexp USA: ɔː'l raɪ'ts riː·zəː'vd UK: ɔːl raɪts rɪzəːvd
all right / that's - .exp UK: ɔːl raɪt ðəts
it's all right.exp USA: ʌ·ts ɔː'l raɪ't UK: ɪts ɔːl raɪt
that's all rightexp UK: ðəts ɔːl raɪt
are your waterworks all right?exp USA: əː· yʊ'r wɔː'təː·wəː"ks ɔː'l raɪ't UK: ɑr jɔːr wɔːtəwəːks ɔːl raɪt
do you feel all right?exp USA: duː' yuː' fiː'l ɔː'l raɪ't UK: duː juː fiːl ɔːl raɪt
right / all -noun USA: raɪ't ɔː'l UK: raɪt ɔːl
right up his alleyexp USA: raɪ't ʌ'p hʌ·z æ'liː· UK: raɪt ʌp hɪz æliː
all rights reservedundef
That's all right.undef
that's all right (alright) [Am.]) with meundef
it's all right with meundef
turn out all rightundef
Is it all right with you?undef
I'll pay him all right.undef
That'll go off all right.undef
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