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Hungarian-English Dictionary of Politics and Society

Hungarian-English moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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23 Words
27 Translations
1 Examples
0 Expressions
18 matches in 2 dictionaries. Details
approvev trans v USA: ʌ·pruː'v UK: əpruːv
    1. The Board of Directors approved the annual report and the profit and loss account.
        1. Az Igazgatótanács jóváhagyta az éves jelentést és az eredménykimutatást.
approvedadj USA: ʌ·pruː'vd UK: əpruːvd
approved schoolexp USA: ʌ·pruː'vd skuː'l UK: əpruːvd skuːl
approve ofv USA: ʌ·pruː'v ʌ·v UK: əpruːv ɔv
read and approvedexp USA: riː'd ʌ·nd ʌ·pruː'vd UK: riːd ənd əpruːvd
approve an applicationundef
approved billundef
approved exporterundef
approved schoolundef
approved voucherundef
approve of somethingundef
an approved methodundef
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