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Hungarian-English Dictionary of Politics and Society

Hungarian-English moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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23 Words
27 Translations
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57 matches in 3 dictionaries. Details
assemblynoun USA: ʌ·se'mbliː· UK: əsembliː
      1. And when he had said these things, he dismissed the assembly.
          1. Ezekkel a szavakkal feloszlatta a gyűlést.
      2. And David commanded all the assembly: Bless the Lord our God.
          1. Azután Dávid így szólt az egész gyülekezethez: Dicsőítsétek az Urat, a ti Isteneteket!
    1. mil
    1. Motor vehicle assembly takes place at the new plant.
        1. A gépjárművek összeszerelése az új gyáregységben történik.
assembly hallnoun USA: ʌ·se'mbliː· hɔː'l UK: əsembliː hɔːl
assembly languagenoun USA: ʌ·se'mbliː· læ'ŋgwʌ·ʤ UK: əsembliː læŋgwɪʤ
assembly linenoun USA: ʌ·se'mbliː· laɪ'n UK: əsembliː laɪn
assembly roomexp USA: ʌ·se'mbliː· ruː'm UK: əsembliː ruːm
assembly timeexp USA: ʌ·se'mbliː· taɪ'm UK: əsembliː taɪm
assembly workernoun USA: ʌ·se'mbliː· wəː'kəː· UK: əsembliː wəːkər
Church Assemblynoun USA: tʃəː'tʃ ʌ·se'mbliː· UK: tʃəːtʃ əsembliː
general assemblyexp USA: ʤe'nrʌ·l ʌ·se'mbliː· UK: ʤenrəl əsembliː
shop assemblyexp USA: ʃɔ'p ʌ·se'mbliː· UK: ʃɔp əsembliː
right of assemblyexp USA: raɪ't ʌ·v ʌ·se'mbliː· UK: raɪt ɔv əsembliː
assembly accountundef
assembly areaundef
assembly belt productionundef
assembly departmentundef
assembly dollyundef
assembly facilityundef
assembly hallundef
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