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Hungarian-English Dictionary of Politics and Society

Hungarian-English moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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23 Words
27 Translations
1 Examples
0 Expressions
483 matches in 13 dictionaries. Details
byadj USA: baɪ' UK: baɪ
byprep USA: baɪ' UK: baɪ
    1. There is a small house by the lake.
        1. Van egy kis ház a tónál.
    2. He stayed by the water as far as he could.
        1. Amennyire csak tudott, a víz közelében maradt.
    1. I got the invitation to the party by email.
        1. E-mailen keresztül kaptam meghívót a buliba.
    2. They came into the house by the back door.
        1. A hátsó ajtón át jöttek be a házba.
    1. Dinner will be ready by 6 o'clock.
        1. A vacsora 6 órára elkészül.
      1. aid granted by Member States
          1. a tagállamok által nyújtott támogatások
      1. I'd like to send this packet by airmail.
          1. Szeretném légipostával feladni ezt a csomagot.
      1. I have just read the Wuthering Heights from Emily Bronte.
          1. Épp most olvastam el az Üvöltő Szelek-et Emily Bronte-től.
    1. By your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.
        1. Szavaid alapján igazulsz meg, és szavaid alapján vonsz magadra ítéletet.
    1. Faith then comes by hearing; and hearing by the word of Christ.
        1. A hit tehát hallásból fakad, a hallás pedig Krisztus tanításából.
by accidentexp USA: baɪ' æ'ksʌ·dʌ·nt UK: baɪ æksɪdənt
by acclamationexp UK: baɪ ækləmeɪʃn
by a hair's breadthexp USA: baɪ' eɪ' he'rz bre'dθ UK: baɪ eɪ heəz bredθ
by a hair's breadthv USA: baɪ' eɪ' he'rz bre'dθ UK: baɪ eɪ heəz bredθ
by airexp USA: baɪ' e'r UK: baɪ eər
by airmailexp USA: baɪ' e'rmeɪ"l UK: baɪ eəmeɪl
by all accountsexp USA: baɪ' ɔː'l ʌ·kaʊ'nts UK: baɪ ɔːl əkaʊnts
by all meansadv USA: baɪ' ɔː'l miː'nz UK: baɪ ɔːl miːnz
by and byexp USA: baɪ' ʌ·nd baɪ' UK: baɪ ənd baɪ
by and largeexp USA: baɪ' ʌ·nd lɔ'rʤ UK: baɪ ənd lɑʤ
by any meansexp USA: baɪ' e'niː· miː'nz UK: baɪ eniː miːnz
by appointmentexp USA: baɪ' ʌ·pɔɪ'ntmʌ·nt UK: baɪ əpɔɪntmənt
by arrangementexp USA: baɪ' əː·eɪ'nʤmʌ·nt UK: baɪ əreɪnʤmənt
by arrangementadv USA: baɪ' əː·eɪ'nʤmʌ·nt UK: baɪ əreɪnʤmənt
by busexp USA: baɪ' bʌ's UK: baɪ bʌs
by byexp USA: baɪ' baɪ' UK: baɪ baɪ
by cableadv USA: baɪ' keɪ'bʌ·l UK: baɪ keɪbl
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