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Hungarian-English Dictionary of Politics and Society

Hungarian-English moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: lexicography
23 Words
27 Translations
1 Examples
0 Expressions
30 matches in 5 dictionaries. Details
extreme beamexp USA: ɪ·kstriː'm biː'm UK: ɪkstriːm biːm
extremelyadv USA: ɪ·kstriː'mliː· UK: ɪkstriːmliː
extreme penaltyexp USA: ɪ·kstriː'm pe'nʌ·ltiː· UK: ɪkstriːm penltiː
extreme rightexp USA: ɪ·kstriː'm raɪ't UK: ɪkstriːm raɪt
extreme unctionexp UK: ɪkstriːm ʌŋkʃn
hold extreme viewsexp USA: hoʊ'ld ɪ·kstriː'm vyuː'z UK: hoʊld ɪkstriːm vjuːz
in the extremeexp USA: ɪ'n ðiː· ɪ·kstriː'm UK: ɪn ðiː ɪkstriːm
go to extremesexp USA: goʊ' tʌ· ɪ·kstriː'mz UK: goʊ tuː ɪkstriːmz
from one extreme to the otherexp USA: fəː·m hwʌ'n ɪ·kstriː'm tʌ· ðiː· ʌ'ðəː· UK: frɔm wʌn ɪkstriːm tuː ðiː ʌðər
be driven to extremesv USA: biː· drɪ'vʌ·n tʌ· ɪ·kstriː'mz UK: biː drɪvn tuː ɪkstriːmz
be reduced to extremesexp USA: biː· riː·duː'st tʌ· ɪ·kstriː'mz UK: biː rɪdjuːst tuː ɪkstriːmz
extremely dangerousundef
extreme right wingundef
extreme valueundef
He was extremely annoyed with himself about ...undef
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