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Hungarian-English Dictionary of Politics and Society

Hungarian-English moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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23 Words
27 Translations
1 Examples
0 Expressions
7 matches in 4 dictionaries. Details
hányingere vanv
    1. turn sick
      USA: təː'n sɪ'k UK: təːn sɪk
    1. sick / feel -
      USA: sɪ'k fiː'l UK: sɪk fiːl
    1. retch
      UK: retʃ
    1. reach
      USA: riː'tʃ UK: riːtʃ
    1. nauseate
      USA: nɔː'ziː·eɪ"t UK: nɔːsɪeɪt
    1. keck
      USA: ke'k
    1. heave
      USA: hiː'v UK: hiːv
    1. feel sick
      USA: fiː'l sɪ'k UK: fiːl sɪk
rosszul van, hányingere vanexp
    1. sick / be -
      USA: sɪ'k biː· UK: sɪk biː
hányingere vanundef
hányingere vanundef
hányingere van vmitőlundef
    1. figurative provare nausea
hányingere vanundef
enyhe hányingerem vanundef
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