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Hungarian-English Dictionary of Politics and Society

Hungarian-English moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: lexicography
23 Words
27 Translations
1 Examples
0 Expressions
56 matches in 9 dictionaries. Details
  1. techn
    1. support
      USA: sʌ·pɔː'rt UK: səpɔːt
  2. garden
    1. stick
      USA: stɪ'k UK: stɪk
    1. stake
      USA: steɪ'k UK: steɪk
    1. spud
      USA: spʌ'd UK: spʌd
    1. regional spile
    1. spike
      USA: spaɪ'k UK: spaɪk
  3. agr
    1. prop
      USA: prɔ'p UK: prɔp
    1. post
      USA: poʊ'st UK: poʊst
    1. pole
      USA: poʊ'l UK: poʊl
  4. arch
    1. pile
      USA: paɪ'l UK: paɪl
    1. picket
      USA: pɪ'kʌ·t UK: pɪkɪt
    1. peg
      USA: pe'g UK: peg
    1. paling
      UK: peɪlɪŋ
    1. pale
      USA: peɪ'l UK: peɪl
    1. lath
      USA: læ'θ UK: lɑθ
    1. crampon
      UK: kræmpɔn
    1. bad mark
      USA: bæ'd mɔ'rk UK: bæd mɑk
    1. haricot
      UK: hærɪkoʊ
    1. haricot bean
      UK: hærɪkoʊ biːn
    1. bean
      USA: biː'n UK: biːn
karóba húzv
    1. impale
      USA: ɪ"mpeɪ'l UK: ɪmpeɪl
karóhoz kötv
    1. picket
      USA: pɪ'kʌ·t UK: pɪkɪt
karó (növ)noun
    1. stake
      USA: steɪ'k UK: steɪk
    1. wristwatch
      USA: rɪ'stwɔ"tʃ UK: rɪstwɔtʃ
    1. wristlet watch
      UK: rɪstlɪt wɔtʃ
    1. watch
      USA: wɔ'tʃ UK: wɔtʃ
    1. swede
      USA: swiː'd UK: swiːd
  1. bot
    1. old cole
      USA: koʊ'l UK: koʊl
karórépa (növ)noun
    1. swede
      USA: swiː'd UK: swiːd
karósbab (növ)exp
    1. pole bean
      USA: poʊ'l biː'n UK: poʊl biːn
    1. spiky
      USA: spaɪ'kiː· UK: spaɪkiː
    1. stake
      USA: steɪ'k UK: steɪk
    1. prop
      USA: prɔ'p UK: prɔp
    1. pole
      USA: poʊ'l UK: poʊl
    1. poling
      USA: poʊ'lɪ·ŋ
főgyökér, karógyökér (növ)noun
    1. taproot
      UK: tæpruːt
    1. r Stab
      1. genitiveForm:
      2. Stabes
      3. Stabs
    1. r Pflock
      1. genitiveForm:
      2. Pflockes
      3. Pflocks
    1. r Pfahl
      1. genitiveForm:
      2. Pfahles
      3. Pfahls
    1. s Mal
karóba húzv
  1. futónövény mellett bot
karóba húzv
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