Hungarian-English Dictionary of Politics and Society
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Reverse dictionary: English-Hungarian Dictionary of Politics and Society
6 matches in 5 dictionaries.
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- Bolondot csinált magából a bulin.
- He made a fool of himself at the party.
- Bolond lyukból bolond szél fúj.
- A fool is known by his speech.
- Egy bolond beledobja a kútba a követ, száz okos se veszi ki.
- A fool may throw a stone into a well which a hundred wise men cannot pull out.
- Egy bolond százat csinál.
- One fool makes many (a hundred).
- cozenUK: kʌzn
- bamboozleUK: bæmbuːzl
lóvá tesz
- zum besten halten'tsʊm 'bɛstən 'haltən
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