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Hungarian-English Dictionary of Politics and Society

Hungarian-English moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: lexicography
23 Words
27 Translations
1 Examples
0 Expressions
82 matches in 8 dictionaries. Details
primo casoundef
primo costituenteundef
    1. összetett szóé előtag
primo cuocoundef
primogenito0 noun primogénito
primogenitoadj primogénito
primogenitorem noun
  1. rare literary
  2. rare literary
    1. főleg tsz-ban előd
primogenitricem noun
  1. rare literary
  2. rare literary
    1. főleg tsz-ban előd
primo giuratoundef
primo in assolutoundef
primo in classificaundef
primo ministroundef
primo ordineundef numerico
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