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Hungarian-English Dictionary of Politics and Society

Hungarian-English moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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23 Words
27 Translations
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84 matches in 2 dictionaries. Details
sheetnoun USA: ʃiː't UK: ʃiːt
sheetnoun USA: ʃiː't UK: ʃiːt
      1. He returned to his desk and counted the sheets which remained to be copied.
          1. Visszatért az íróasztalához, és megszámolta a másolandó íveket.
      1. The certificate consists of a single sheet.
          1. A bizonyítvány egyetlen lapból áll.
      2. It was a canoe made of sheet-iron bolted together.
          1. A kenu csapszegekkel kivert bádoglemezből készült.
    1. informal
sheetv intrans v USA: ʃiː't UK: ʃiːt
sheetv trans v USA: ʃiː't UK: ʃiːt
  1. techn
    1. There was no sheet on the bed.
        1. Az ágyon nem volt lepedő.
sheet-metal workerexp
sheet musicnoun USA: ʃiː't myuː'zɪ·k UK: ʃiːt mjuːzɪk
sheet of paperexp USA: ʃiː't ʌ·v peɪ'pəː· UK: ʃiːt ɔv peɪpər
sheetsnoun USA: ʃiː'ts UK: ʃiːts
Balance Sheetnoun USA: bæ'lʌ·ns ʃiː't UK: bæləns ʃiːt
case sheetnoun USA: keɪ's ʃiː't UK: keɪs ʃiːt
cheat sheetnoun USA: tʃiː't ʃiː't UK: tʃiːt ʃiːt
  1. edu
clean sheetexp USA: kliː'n ʃiː't UK: kliːn ʃiːt
corrugated sheetexp USA: kɔː'rʌ·geɪ"tʌ·d ʃiː't UK: kɔrəgeɪtɪd ʃiːt
fact sheetnoun USA: fæ'kt ʃiː't UK: fækt ʃiːt
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