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Hungarian-English Dictionary of Politics and Society

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23 Words
27 Translations
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123 matches in 9 dictionaries. Details
solidnoun USA: sɔ'lʌ·d UK: sɔlɪd
  1. phys
  2. math
    1. He felt solid ground beneath his feet.
        1. Szilárd talajt érzett a lába alatt.
solidadj USA: sɔ'lʌ·d UK: sɔlɪd
    1. It was a full-scale model, like a solid blueprint.
        1. Mérethű modell volt, mint egy térbeli tervrajz.
    2. We advanced in the tunnel cut from the solid cliff.
        1. Előrehaladtunk a tömör sziklába vájt barlangban.
    1. Maybe her sources weren't as solid as she said they were.
        1. Talán a forrásai mégse voltak olyan megbízhatóak.
    1. Use solid colors and avoid large patterns if you want to make your room look bigger.
        1. Használj homogén színeket és kerüld a nagy mintákat ha nagyobbnak akarod láttatni a szobád.
solid angleexp USA: sɔ'lʌ·d æ'ŋgʌ·l UK: sɔlɪd æŋgl
solidaritynoun USA: sɔ"lʌ·de'rʌ·tiː· UK: sɔlɪdærɪtiː
solid compoundexp USA: sɔ'lʌ·d kʌ·mpaʊ'nd UK: sɔlɪd kɔmpaʊnd
solid curdexp USA: sɔ'lʌ·d kəː'd UK: sɔlɪd kəːd
solid figureexp USA: sɔ'lʌ·d fɪ'gyəː· UK: sɔlɪd fɪgər
solid fuelexp USA: sɔ'lʌ·d fyuː'l UK: sɔlɪd fjuːəl
solid geometryexp USA: sɔ'lʌ·d ʤiː·ɔ'mʌ·triː· UK: sɔlɪd ʤɪɔmətriː
solidificationnoun UK: səlɪdɪfɪkeɪʃn
solidifyv trans v USA: sʌ·lɪ'dʌ·faɪ" UK: səlɪdɪfaɪ
solidifyv intrans v USA: sʌ·lɪ'dʌ·faɪ" UK: səlɪdɪfaɪ
solid linesexp USA: sɔ'lʌ·d laɪ'nz UK: sɔlɪd laɪnz
solidlyadv USA: sɔ'lʌ·dliː· UK: sɔlɪdliː
solidlyadv USA: sɔ'lʌ·dliː· UK: sɔlɪdliː
solid measuresexp USA: sɔ'lʌ·d me'ʒəː·z UK: sɔlɪd meʒəz
solid stateexp USA: sɔ'lʌ·d steɪ't UK: sɔlɪd steɪt
solid-state circuitexp
solid tyreexp USA: sɔ'lʌ·d taɪ'r UK: sɔlɪd taɪər
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