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Hungarian-English Dictionary of Politics and Society

Hungarian-English moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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23 Words
27 Translations
1 Examples
0 Expressions
64 matches in 7 dictionaries. Details
hurt , hurt , hurtexp USA: həː't həː't həː't UK: həːt həːt həːt
hurt herselfv USA: həː't həː·se'lf UK: həːt həːself
he hurt himselfadj USA: hiː' həː't hɪ"mse'lf UK: hiː həːt hɪmself
hurt / be -v USA: həː't biː· UK: həːt biː
get hurtv USA: gɪ't həː't UK: get həːt
hurt / get -v USA: həː't gɪ't UK: həːt get
be hurtv USA: biː· həː't UK: biː həːt
hurtfuladj USA: həː'tfʌ·l UK: həːtfəl
hurtfulnessnoun UK: həːtfəlnəs
hurtlev intrans v USA: həː'tʌ·l UK: həːtl
hurtle alongexp USA: həː'tʌ·l ʌ·lɔː'ŋ UK: həːtl əlɔŋ
hurtle downv USA: həː'tʌ·l daʊ'n UK: həːtl daʊn
hurtlev trans v USA: həː'tʌ·l UK: həːtl
hurtlenoun USA: həː'tʌ·l UK: həːtl
hurtlingadj USA: həː'tlɪ·ŋ UK: həːtlɪŋ
hurt / it doesn't - .exp
hurt / does it - ?interj USA: həː't dʌ·z ʌ·t UK: həːt doʊz ɪt
it hurts hereexp USA: ʌ·t həː'ts hɪ'r UK: ɪt həːts hɪər
hurt / it -s a lot.exp USA: həː't ʌ·t e's eɪ' lɔ't
hurt / it -s.exp USA: həː't ʌ·t e's
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