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Hungarian-English Dictionary of Politics and Society

Hungarian-English moderated and publicly listed dictionary
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23 Words
27 Translations
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202 matches in 3 dictionaries. Details
moneynoun USA: mʌ'niː· UK: mʌniː
  1. figurative
    1. His property in money amounted to nearly three thousand pounds.
        1. Készpénzvagyona majdnem háromezer fontra rúgott.
        1. Készpénzvagyona majdnem háromezer fontra rúgott.
moneyv trans v USA: mʌ'niː· UK: mʌniː
money articlenoun USA: mʌ'niː· ɔ'rtʌ·kʌ·l UK: mʌniː ɑtɪkl
money-bagnoun UK: mʌniːbæg
money-boxnoun UK: mʌnɪbɔks
money capitalexp USA: mʌ'niː· kæ'pʌ·tʌ·l UK: mʌniː kæpɪtəl
money-changernoun UK: mʌnɪtʃeɪnʤər
money circulationnoun USA: mʌ'niː· səː'kyʌ·leɪ"ʃʌ·n UK: mʌniː səːkjʊleɪʃn
money downexp USA: mʌ'niː· daʊ'n UK: mʌniː daʊn
moneyedadj USA: mʌ'niː·d UK: mʌnɪd
moneyernoun UK: mʌniːər
money exchangeexp USA: mʌ'niː· ɪ·kstʃeɪ'nʤ UK: mʌniː ɪkstʃeɪnʤ
money honestly come byexp USA: mʌ'niː· ɔ'nʌ·sliː· kʌ'm baɪ' UK: mʌniː ɔnɪstliː kʌm baɪ
money is no objectexp USA: mʌ'niː· ʌ·z noʊ' ʌ·bʤe'kt UK: mʌniː ɪz noʊ ɔbʤɪkt
money is tightexp USA: mʌ'niː· ʌ·z taɪ't UK: mʌniː ɪz taɪt
money launderingnoun USA: mʌ'niː· lɔː'ndəː·ɪ·ŋ UK: mʌniː lɔːndərɪŋ
moneylendernoun UK: mʌnɪlendər
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