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Csengus szótára

Hungarian-English invite only and publicly not listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Csenge's vocabulary
2 Words
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matches in the
take over the leadexp USA: teɪ'k oʊ'vəː· ðiː· liː'd UK: teɪk oʊvər ðiː liːd
take painsv USA: teɪ'k peɪ'nz UK: teɪk peɪnz
take part inexp USA: teɪ'k pɔ'rt ɪ'n UK: teɪk pɑt ɪn
take part in sthv
take pity onexp USA: teɪ'k pɪ'tiː· ɔ'n UK: teɪk pɪtiː ɔn
take pity on syv USA: teɪ'k pɪ'tiː· ɔ'n saɪ'
take placeexp USA: teɪ'k pleɪ's UK: teɪk pleɪs
take possessionv USA: teɪ'k pʌ·ze'ʃʌ·n UK: teɪk pəzeʃn
take possession of sgv
take priorityv USA: teɪ'k praɪ·ɔː'rʌ·tiː· UK: teɪk praɪɔrɪtiː
take prisonerv USA: teɪ'k prɪ'znəː· UK: teɪk prɪznər
take pupilsexp USA: teɪ'k pyuː'pʌ·lz UK: teɪk pjuːplz
take purchase onexp USA: teɪ'k pəː'tʃʌ·s ɔ'n UK: teɪk pəːtʃəs ɔn
take responsibility forexp USA: teɪ'k riː·spɔ"nsʌ·bɪ'lʌ·tiː· frəː· UK: teɪk rɪspɔnsəbɪlɪtiː fəː
take revenge on syv USA: teɪ'k riː·ve'nʤ ɔ'n saɪ'
take risksv USA: teɪ'k rɪ'sks UK: teɪk rɪsks
take rootexp USA: teɪ'k ruː't UK: teɪk ruːt
take rootexp USA: teɪ'k ruː't UK: teɪk ruːt
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