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Csengus szótára

Hungarian-English invite only and publicly not listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Csenge's vocabulary
2 Words
2 Translations
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matches in the
take a suckv USA: teɪ'k eɪ' sʌ'k UK: teɪk eɪ sʌk
take a swimv USA: teɪ'k eɪ' swɪ'm UK: teɪk eɪ swɪm
take a taxiv USA: teɪ'k eɪ' tæ'ksiː· UK: teɪk eɪ tæksiː
take a tossexp USA: teɪ'k eɪ' tɔː's UK: teɪk eɪ tɔs
take a tossexp USA: teɪ'k eɪ' tɔː's UK: teɪk eɪ tɔs
take a trainexp USA: teɪ'k eɪ' treɪ'n UK: teɪk eɪ treɪn
take a tripv USA: teɪ'k eɪ' trɪ'p UK: teɪk eɪ trɪp
take a tripv USA: teɪ'k eɪ' trɪ'p UK: teɪk eɪ trɪp
take a turn for the betterexp USA: teɪ'k eɪ' təː'n frəː· ðiː· be'təː· UK: teɪk eɪ təːn fəː ðiː betər
take a turn to the betterexp USA: teɪ'k eɪ' təː'n tʌ· ðiː· be'təː· UK: teɪk eɪ təːn tuː ðiː betər
take a turn to the leftexp USA: teɪ'k eɪ' təː'n tʌ· ðiː· le'ft UK: teɪk eɪ təːn tuː ðiː left
take a turn to the rightv USA: teɪ'k eɪ' təː'n tʌ· ðiː· raɪ't UK: teɪk eɪ təːn tuː ðiː raɪt
take abackv trans v USA: teɪ'k ʌ·bæ'k UK: teɪk əbæk
take account ofv USA: teɪ'k ʌ·kaʊ'nt ʌ·v UK: teɪk əkaʊnt ɔv
take actionexp USA: teɪ'k æ'kʃʌ·n UK: teɪk ækʃn
take advantage ofv USA: teɪ'k ʌ·dvæ'nʌ·ʤ ʌ·v UK: teɪk ədvɑntɪʤ ɔv
take advantage of syexp USA: teɪ'k ʌ·dvæ'nʌ·ʤ ʌ·v saɪ'
take afterexp USA: teɪ'k æ'ftəː· UK: teɪk ɑftər
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