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Hungarian-English invite only and publicly not listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: szegedi88
Reverse dictionary: test-szotar-a-m
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7 matches in 6 dictionaries. Details
    1. victimization
      USA: vɪ"ktʌ·mʌ·zeɪ'ʃʌ·n UK: vɪktɪmaɪzeɪʃn
    1. informal sell
      USA: se'l UK: sel
    1. slang napping
      USA: næ'pɪ·ŋ UK: næpɪŋ
    1. hocus pocus
      USA: hoʊ'kʌ·s poʊ'kʌ·s
    1. informal have
      USA: hæ'v UK: hæv
    1. gyp
      USA: ʤɪ'p UK: ʤɪp
    1. slang US gouge
      USA: gaʊ'ʤ UK: gaʊʤ
    1. fraud
      USA: frɔː'd UK: frɔːd
    1. fooling
      USA: fuː'lɪ·ŋ UK: fuːlɪŋ
    1. eye-wash
      UK: aɪwɔʃ
    1. dupery
      UK: djuːpəriː
    1. craft
      USA: kræ'ft UK: krɑft
    1. cole
      USA: koʊ'l UK: koʊl
    1. chisel
      USA: tʃɪ'zʌ·l UK: tʃɪzl
    1. bluff
      USA: blʌ'f UK: blʌf
    1. r Betrug
      1. genitiveForm:
      2. Betruges
      3. Betrugs
  1. megtévesztés
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