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Hungarian-English invite only and publicly not listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: szegedi88
Reverse dictionary: test-szotar-a-m
0 Words
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7 matches in 6 dictionaries. Details
    1. trifling
      USA: traɪ'flɪ·ŋ UK: traɪflɪŋ
    1. lightness
      USA: laɪ'tnʌ·s UK: laɪtnes
    1. lightheadedness
      USA: laɪ'the"dʌ·dnʌ·s UK: laɪthedɪdnəs
    1. improvidence
      UK: ɪmprɔvɪdəns
    1. giddiness
      UK: gɪdɪnəs
    1. frivolity
      USA: frʌ·vɔ'lʌ·tiː· UK: frɪvɔlɪtiː
    1. folly
      USA: fɔ'liː· UK: fɔliː
    1. humor e Schandtat
    1. e Leichtfertigkeit
      1. pluralForm:
      2. Leichtfertigkeiten
      1. genitiveForm:
      2. Leichtfertigkeit
    1. pej f facilité
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