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157 matches in 2 dictionaries. Details
screwnoun USA: skruː' UK: skruː
  1. informal
  2. techn
  3. slang
    1. Screw the lid firmly on the jar, so no air could go in.
        1. Csavard rá a tetőt erősen az üvegre, hogy ne kaphasson levegőt.
    2. He screwed the shelves together, and put them on the wall.
        1. Összecsavarozta a polcokat, majd feltette őket a falra.
    3. He has a screw loose. (a bit stupid)
        1. Nincs ki egy kereke. (ütődött)
    4. It was only after we'd had the car for a few days that we realised we had been screwed by the dealer.
        1. Csak miután pár napja már nálunk volt az autó jöttünk rá, hogy a kereskedő átvert minket.
screwv trans v USA: skruː' UK: skruː
screw aroundv intrans v USA: skruː' əː·aʊ'n UK: skruː əraʊnd
screwballnoun USA: skruː'bɔː"l UK: skruːbɔːl
screw downv trans v USA: skruː' daʊ'n UK: skruː daʊn
screwdrivernoun USA: skruː'draɪ"vəː· UK: skruːdraɪvər
screw-drivernoun USA: skruː'draɪ"vəː· UK: skruːdraɪvər
screw drivernoun USA: skruː' draɪ'vəː· UK: skruː draɪvər
screwedadj USA: skruː'd UK: skruːd
screw itexp USA: skruː' ʌ·t UK: skruː ɪt
screw offv trans v USA: skruː' ɔː'f UK: skruː ɔf
screw onv trans v USA: skruː' ɔ'n UK: skruː ɔn
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