Hungarian-English invite only and publicly not listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: szegedi88
Reverse dictionary: test-szotar-a-m
21 matches in 2 dictionaries.
several USA: se'vəː·ʌ·l UK: sevrəl
- It is difficult to reach an agreement which will satisfy the several interests of the parties concerned.
- Nehéz olyan szerződést kötni, amely megfelel a szerződő felek különböző érdekeinek.
- Their new mobile phone combines several functions such as phone, camera and mediaplayer.
- Az új mobiltelefonjuk különféle funkciókat kapcsol össze mint a telefon, fényképezőgép és médialejátszó.
- It snowed hard for several days and the ground was covered two feet deep.
- A sűrű hóesés több napon át tartott, és kétlábnyi vastag szőnyeggé gyarapodott.
- I have visited the Opera on several occassions.
- Már számos alkalommal jártam az Operában.
- The answer to several of my questions were brief and simple.
- Igen sok kérdésemre rövid, egyszerű volt a válasz.
several hours of
several times
several years of ...
lasting several hours
of several hours
on several occasions
for several voices
lasting several weeks
of several years
lasting over several years
stretching over several years
The program will include several breaks.
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