Hungarian-English invite only and publicly not listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: szegedi88
Reverse dictionary: test-szotar-a-m
449 matches in 14 dictionaries.
- Hatalmas pillérek tartják a hidat.
- Huge pillars support the bridge.
- Rómeó a karjaiban tartotta Júliát.
- Romeo held Juliet in his arms.
- Romeo held Juliet in his arms.
- A nő egy revolvert tartott a kezében.
- The woman was holding a revolver in her hand.
- The woman was holding a revolver in her hand.
- Különösen az okozott örömet neki, hogy most már tudta: ki fog tartani.
- What delighted him particularly was that now he knew he would be able to hold out.
- What delighted him particularly was that now he knew he would be able to hold out.
- Rómeó a karjaiban tartotta Júliát.
- Romeo held Juliet in his arms.
- Romeo held Juliet in his arms.
- Különösen az okozott örömet neki, hogy most már tudta: ki fog tartani.
- What delighted him particularly was that now he knew he would be able to hold out.
- What delighted him particularly was that now he knew he would be able to hold out.
- A nő egy revolvert tartott a kezében.
- The woman was holding a revolver in her hand.
- The woman was holding a revolver in her hand.
- Egy ideig úgy rémlett, mintha ez a viaskodás időtlen idők óta folyna és örökké eltartana.
- For a space it seemed that this fighting had lasted for an age, and must go on for ever.
- A kalózok puskagolyóitól nem kell tartanunk, sőt még a brigg ágyúlövedékeitől sem.
- We have nothing to fear from the guns, nor even from the cannon of the brig.
- Adjatok hálát az Úrnak, mert jó: irgalma örökké tart.
- O praise you the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endures for ever.
- Kit tartasz a legjobb francia színésznőnek?
- Who do you consider the best French actress?
tartalék adag
tartalékalap - A Phare szerződésekben is szereplő rovatfejezet. (PHARE)
tartalékalap (EU)
tartalék alkatrész
tartalék alkatrészek
tartalék ernyő
- A csapat két tartalékjátékost is hozott arra az esetre, ha valaki lesérül.
- The team brought two reserves in case anybody was injured.
- Nagy-Britannia legnagyobb természetvédelmi területe minden bizonnyal a Tóvidék.
- The biggest nature reserve in Great Britain is probably the Lake District.
- Már lefoglaltam a szobát a hotelben.
- I have already reserved a room at the hotel.
tartalék játékos
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