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Hungarian-English invite only and publicly not listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: test-szotar-a-m
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11 matches in 5 dictionaries. Details
    1. informal US woody
      USA: wʊ'diː· UK: wʊdiː
    1. screwball
      USA: skruː'bɔː"l UK: skruːbɔːl
    1. informal sappy
      UK: sæpiː
    1. slang Aus ratty
      USA: ræ'tiː· UK: rætiː
    1. pixilated
      UK: pɪksɪleɪtɪd
    1. off one's crumpet
      UK: ɔf wʌnz krʌmpɪt
    1. numskull
      UK: nʌmskʌl
    1. figurative moonstruck
      USA: muː'nstrʌ"k UK: muːnstrʌk
    1. loopy
      USA: luː'piː· UK: luːpiː
    1. dippy
      USA: dɪ'piː·
    1. crazed
      USA: kreɪ'zd UK: kreɪzd
    1. crackpot
      USA: kræ'kpɔ"t UK: krækpɔt
    1. cracker
      USA: kræ'kəː· UK: krækər
    1. informal cracked
      USA: kræ'kt UK: krækt
    1. slang barmy
      UK: bɑmiː
    1. informal balmy
      USA: bɔ'miː· UK: bɑmiː
kicsit ütődöttexp
    1. he is not all there
      USA: hiː' ʌ·z nɔ't ɔː'l ðe'r UK: hiː ɪz nɔt ɔːl ðeər
    1. stand figurative angeknackst
    1. stupido
    1. rare milenso
    1. arcistupido
    1. mona
      m inv
    1. idiota
      m f
  1. ember gyümölcs
    1. figurative tocco
      tsz: tocchi
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