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Hungarian-German open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: Viktor
Reverse dictionary: Kisszótár
499 matches in 3 dictionaries. Details
dish outv trans v USA: dɪ'ʃ aʊ't UK: dɪʃ aʊt
dole outv USA: doʊ'l aʊ't UK: doʊl aʊt
do outv trans v USA: duː' aʊ't UK: duː aʊt
dope outexp USA: doʊ'p aʊ't UK: doʊp aʊt
doss outv intrans v USA: dɔː's aʊ't UK: dɔs aʊt
drag outv trans v USA: dræ'g aʊ't UK: dræg aʊt
dress outv trans v USA: dre's aʊ't UK: dres aʊt
drive outv intrans v USA: draɪ'v aʊ't UK: draɪv aʊt
drive outv trans v USA: draɪ'v aʊ't UK: draɪv aʊt
drop outv intrans v USA: drɔ'p aʊ't UK: drɔp aʊt
drop outv trans v USA: drɔ'p aʊ't UK: drɔp aʊt
eat outv trans v USA: iː't aʊ't UK: iːt aʊt
edit outv USA: e'dʌ·t aʊ't UK: edɪt aʊt
fade outv trans v USA: feɪ'd aʊ't UK: feɪd aʊt
falling outexp USA: fɔ'lɪ·ŋ aʊ't UK: fɔːlɪŋ aʊt
fall out!exp USA: fɔ'l aʊ't UK: fɔːl aʊt
feel outv trans v USA: fiː'l aʊ't UK: fiːl aʊt
feel outv intrans v USA: fiː'l aʊ't UK: fiːl aʊt
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