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Hungarian-German open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrator of the dictionary: aveohell11
Reverse dictionary: Deu.-Ung.
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499 matches in 3 dictionaries. Details
getting outnoun USA: gɪ'tɪ·ŋ aʊ't UK: getɪŋ aʊt
getting outexp USA: gɪ'tɪ·ŋ aʊ't UK: getɪŋ aʊt
give outv intrans v USA: gɪ'v aʊ't UK: gɪv aʊt
hammer outv trans v USA: hæ'məː· aʊ't UK: hæmər aʊt
hang outv trans v USA: hæ'ŋ aʊ't UK: hæŋ aʊt
hang outv intrans v USA: hæ'ŋ aʊ't UK: hæŋ aʊt
have outv trans v USA: hæ'v aʊ't UK: hæv aʊt
help outv trans v USA: he'lp aʊ't UK: help aʊt
hew outv trans v USA: hyuː' aʊ't UK: hjuː aʊt
hire outexp USA: haɪ'r aʊ't UK: haɪər aʊt
hire outv USA: haɪ'r aʊ't UK: haɪər aʊt
hold outv intrans v USA: hoʊ'ld aʊ't UK: hoʊld aʊt
hoof outv USA: huː'f aʊ't UK: huːf aʊt
hunt outv trans v USA: hʌ'nt aʊ't UK: hʌnt aʊt
hustle outexp USA: hʌ'sʌ·l aʊ't UK: hʌsl aʊt
inside outexp USA: ɪ'nsaɪ"d aʊ't UK: ɪnsaɪd aʊt
just outexp USA: ʤʌ·st aʊ't UK: ʤʌst aʊt
keep outv trans v USA: kiː'p aʊ't UK: kiːp aʊt
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