Hungarian-Lithuanian Dictionary of Catholic Terms
Hungarian-Lithuanian open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Lithuanian-Hungarian Dictionary of Catholic Terms
116 matches in 9 dictionaries.
- unsavouryUK: ʌnseɪvəriː
- unpleasingUK: ʌnpliːzɪŋ
- unlovelyUK: ʌnlʌvliː
- unkindlyUK: ʌnkaɪndliː
- pestilentUK: pestɪlənt
- noisomeUK: nɔɪsəm
- grottyUK: grɔtiː
- effingUK: efɪŋ
- displeasingUK: dɪspliːzɪŋ
- crabbyUSA: kræ'biː·
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- play sy upUSA: pleɪ' saɪ' ʌ'p
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