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500 matches in 6 dictionaries. Details
time pressurenoun USA: taɪ'm pre'ʃəː· UK: taɪm preʃər
time servernoun USA: taɪ'm səː'vəː· UK: taɪm səːvər
time / some -exp USA: taɪ'm sʌ'm UK: taɪm sʌm
time / some other -exp USA: taɪ'm sʌ'm ʌ'ðəː· UK: taɪm sʌm ʌðər
time / spare -exp USA: taɪ'm spe'r UK: taɪm speər
time / spend -exp USA: taɪ'm spe'nd UK: taɪm spend
time / take sb's -exp
time / three -sexp USA: taɪ'm θriː' e's
acceleration timeexp USA: æ"kse"ləː·eɪ'ʃʌ·n taɪ'm UK: əkseləreɪʃn taɪm
allotted timeexp USA: ʌ·lɔ'tʌ·d taɪ'm UK: əlɔtɪd taɪm
another timeexp USA: ʌ·nʌ'ðəː· taɪ'm UK: ənʌðər taɪm
assembly timeexp USA: ʌ·se'mbliː· taɪ'm UK: əsembliː taɪm
awaiting timenoun USA: ʌ·weɪ'tɪ·ŋ taɪ'm UK: əweɪtɪŋ taɪm
beat timeexp USA: biː't taɪ'm UK: biːt taɪm
check-in timenoun
closing timenoun USA: kloʊ'zɪ·ŋ taɪ'm UK: kloʊzɪŋ taɪm
contract timenoun USA: kʌ·ntræ'kt taɪ'm UK: kɔntrækt taɪm
contract timeexp USA: kʌ·ntræ'kt taɪ'm UK: kɔntrækt taɪm
daylight-saving timenoun
deceleration timeexp USA: dʌ·se"ləː·eɪ'ʃʌ·n taɪ'm UK: diːseləreɪʃən taɪm
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