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Magyar-török kisszótár

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Reverse dictionary: Török-magyar kisszótár
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54 matches in 4 dictionaries. Details
trueadv USA: truː' UK: truː
    1. That day was to be the last of their journey, if all calculations were true.
        1. Ha pontosak a számítások, ez a nap lesz az utazás utolsó napja.
true bluenoun USA: truː' bluː' UK: truː bluː
true blueexp USA: truː' bluː' UK: truː bluː
true-bornadj UK: truːbɔːn
true / come -v USA: truː' kʌ'm UK: truː kʌm
true leafexp USA: truː' liː'f UK: truː liːf
true-lovenoun USA: truː'lʌ"v UK: truːlʌv
true skinexp USA: truː' skɪ'n UK: truː skɪn
true to lifeexp USA: truː' tʌ· laɪ'f UK: truː tuː laɪf
true to species and varietyexp USA: truː' tʌ· spiː'ʃiː·z ʌ·nd vəː·aɪ'ʌ·tiː· UK: truː tuː spiːʃiːz ənd vəraɪətiː
true to the coreexp USA: truː' tʌ· ðiː· kɔː'r UK: truː tuː ðiː kɔːr
true to typeexp USA: truː' tʌ· taɪ'p UK: truː tuː taɪp
true upv USA: truː' ʌ'p UK: truː ʌp
come trueexp USA: kʌ'm truː' UK: kʌm truː
prove trueexp USA: pruː'v truː' UK: pruːv truː
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