Magyar-török kisszótár
Hungarian-Turkish invite only and publicly not listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Török-magyar kisszótár
194 matches in 9 dictionaries.
örömmel tudatom, hogy...
- it's my pleasure to inform youUSA: ʌ·ts maɪ' ple'ʒəː· tʌ· ɪ"nfɔː'rm yuː' UK: ɪts maɪ pleʒər tuː ɪnfɔːm juː
- I am pleased to be able to inform you thatUSA: aɪ' eɪ'e'm pliː'zd tʌ· biː· eɪ'bʌ·l tʌ· ɪ"nfɔː'rm yuː' ðʌ·t UK: aɪ æm pliːzd tuː biː eɪbl tuː ɪnfɔːm juː ðət
- I am happy to be able to inform you thatUSA: aɪ' eɪ'e'm hæ'piː· tʌ· biː· eɪ'bʌ·l tʌ· ɪ"nfɔː'rm yuː' ðʌ·t UK: aɪ æm hæpiː tuː biː eɪbl tuː ɪnfɔːm juː ðət
örömmel üdvözöl vkit
- bid sy welcomeUSA: bɪ'd saɪ' we'lkʌ·m
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örömtől mámoros
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- begrudginglyUK: bɪgrʌʤɪŋliː
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