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Hungarian-Chinese dictionary

Hungarian-Chinese open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Chinese-Hungarian dictionary
14726 Words
33182 Translations
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0 Expressions
406 matches in 18 dictionaries. Details
s Bandnoun 'bant
  1. pluralForm:
  2. Bande
  1. genitiveForm:
  2. Bands
  3. Bandes
  1. literary
e Bandnoun 'bant
  1. pluralForm:
  2. Bands
  1. genitiveForm:
  2. Band
bandagierenv trans v banda'ʒiːrən
e Bandbreitenoun
e Bandenoun 'bandə
  1. pluralForm:
  2. Banden
  1. genitiveForm:
  2. Bande
  1. pej
e Bandenoun 'bandə
  1. pluralForm:
  2. Banden
  1. genitiveForm:
  2. Bande
  1. biliárd
  2. textile
r Banditnoun ban'diːt
  1. pluralForm:
  2. Banditen
  1. genitiveForm:
  2. Banditen
  1. figurative
r Bandreifnoun
e Bandscheibenoun
Bd. (Band)exp
am laufenden Bandexp
ausser Rand und Band kommenv
bändigenv trans v
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