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Hungarian-Chinese dictionary

Hungarian-Chinese open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: Chinese-Hungarian dictionary
14726 Words
33182 Translations
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467 matches in 18 dictionaries. Details
ballyadv USA: beɪ'liː· UK: bæliː
ballyhoonoun USA: bæ'liː·huː· UK: bælɪhuː
ballyragv UK: bælɪræg
bearing ballexp USA: be'rɪ·ŋ bɔː'l UK: beərɪŋ bɔːl
costume ballexp USA: kɔ'stuː·m bɔː'l UK: kɔstjuːm bɔːl
cotton ballexp USA: kɔ'tʌ·n bɔː'l UK: kɔtn bɔːl
cue ballexp USA: kyuː' bɔː'l UK: kjuː bɔːl
dead ballexp USA: de'd bɔː'l UK: ded bɔːl
fancy-dress ballnoun
foetal ballexp UK: fiːtl bɔːl
golf ballnoun USA: gɔ'lf bɔː'l UK: gɔlf bɔːl
loose ballexp USA: luː's bɔː'l UK: luːs bɔːl
masked ballexp USA: mæ'skt bɔː'l UK: mɑskt bɔːl
play ballexp USA: pleɪ' bɔː'l UK: pleɪ bɔːl
spot ballnoun USA: spɔ't bɔː'l UK: spɔt bɔːl
state ballexp USA: steɪ't bɔː'l UK: steɪt bɔːl
tennis ballnoun USA: te'nɪ"s bɔː'l UK: tenɪs bɔːl
warp ballexp USA: wɔː'rp bɔː'l UK: wɔːp bɔːl
mental ballastnoun USA: me'ntʌ·l bæ'lʌ·st UK: mentl bæləst
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