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Hungarian-English dictionary

Hungarian-English open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: English-Hungarian dictionary
112503 Words
208930 Translations
4982 Examples
345 Expressions
matches in the
freezing-point depressionexp
freightnoun USA: freɪ't UK: freɪt
freightnoun USA: freɪ't UK: freɪt
freightv trans v USA: freɪ't UK: freɪt
freight carnoun USA: freɪ't kɔ'r UK: freɪt kɑr
freight depotnoun USA: freɪ't diː'poʊ· UK: freɪt depoʊ
freightagenoun UK: freɪtɪʤ
freighternoun USA: freɪ'təː· UK: freɪtər
freight-yardnoun UK: freɪtjɑd
frenchnoun USA: fre'ntʃ UK: frentʃ
French beanexp USA: fre'ntʃ biː'n UK: frentʃ biːn
french beansnoun USA: fre'ntʃ biː'nz UK: frentʃ biːnz
french brandynoun USA: fre'ntʃ bræ'ndiː· UK: frentʃ brændiː
french chalkexp USA: fre'ntʃ tʃɔ'k UK: frentʃ tʃɔːk
french cuffexp USA: fre'ntʃ kʌ'f UK: frentʃ kʌf
french dressingexp USA: fre'ntʃ dre'sɪ·ŋ UK: frentʃ dresɪŋ
french fancyexp USA: fre'ntʃ fæ'nsiː· UK: frentʃ fænsiː
french / franceexp USA: fre'ntʃ fræ'ns UK: frentʃ frɑns
french friesexp USA: fre'ntʃ fraɪ'z UK: frentʃ fraɪz
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