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Hungarian-English dictionary

Hungarian-English open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: English-Hungarian dictionary
112503 Words
208930 Translations
4982 Examples
345 Expressions
  1. law
    1. obligation
      USA: ɔ"blʌ·geɪ'ʃʌ·n UK: ɔblɪgeɪʃn
  2. fin econ
    1. note
      USA: noʊ't UK: noʊt
    1. note of hand
      USA: noʊ't ʌ·v hæ'nd UK: noʊt ɔv hænd
  3. fin
    1. debenture
      USA: dʌ·be'ntʃəː· UK: dɪbentʃər
  4. fin
    1. US bond
      USA: bɔ'nd UK: bɔnd
  5. econ fin
    1. US bill
      USA: bɪ'l UK: bɪl
közönséges adóslevélnek minősülő csekknoun
    1. memorandum cheque
      UK: memərændəm tʃek
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