Hungarian-English dictionary
Hungarian-English open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: English-Hungarian dictionary
75 matches in 7 dictionaries.
store window USA: stɔː'r wɪ'ndoʊ· UK: stɔːr wɪndoʊ
don't lean out of the window
fling one's money out of the window USA: flɪ'ŋ wʌ'nz mʌ'niː· aʊ't ʌ·v ðiː· wɪ'ndoʊ· UK: flɪŋ wʌnz mʌniː aʊt ɔv ðiː wɪndoʊ
window display
window display advertising
window displays
window dressing
window dressings
window frame
window frames
window grate
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