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Hungarian-English dictionary

Hungarian-English open and publicly listed dictionary
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Administrators of the dictionary: admin, evirag, Péter Pallinger
Reverse dictionary: English-Hungarian dictionary
112503 Words
208930 Translations
4982 Examples
345 Expressions
489 matches in 18 dictionaries.
hitchhikev intrans v USA: hɪ'tʃhaɪ"k UK: hɪtʃhaɪk
hitch-hikernoun UK: hɪtʃhaɪkər
hitheradj USA: hɪ'ðəː· UK: hɪðər
hitheradv USA: hɪ'ðəː· UK: hɪðər
hithertoadv USA: hɪ'ðəː"tuː' UK: hɪðətuː
hit , hit , hit 2.v
hitmannoun USA: hɪ'tmæ"n
hitternoun USA: hɪ'təː· UK: hɪtə
direct hitnoun USA: dɪ·re'kt hɪ't UK: dɪrekt hɪt
be hard hitexp USA: biː· hɔ'rd hɪ't UK: biː hɑd hɪt
be hard hit byexp USA: biː· hɔ'rd hɪ't baɪ' UK: biː hɑd hɪt baɪ
hit-and-run driverundef
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