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Hungarian-French dictionary

Hungarian-French open and publicly listed dictionary
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Reverse dictionary: French-Hungarian dictionary
33991 Words
61708 Translations
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481 matches in 21 dictionaries. Details
nursing bottleexp USA: nəː'sɪ·ŋ bɔ'tʌ·l UK: nəːsɪŋ bɔtl
a bottle of milkexp USA: eɪ' bɔ'tʌ·l ʌ·v mɪ'lk UK: eɪ bɔtl ɔv mɪlk
at bottomexp USA: æ't bɔ'tʌ·m UK: ət bɔtəm
bikini bottomexp USA: bɪ·kiː'niː· bɔ'tʌ·m UK: bɪkiːniː bɔtəm
false bottomexp USA: fɔː'ls bɔ'tʌ·m UK: fɔːls bɔtəm
kick bottomexp USA: kɪ'k bɔ'tʌ·m UK: kɪk bɔtəm
muddy bottomexp USA: mʌ'diː· bɔ'tʌ·m UK: mʌdiː bɔtəm
find bottom againexp USA: faɪ'nd bɔ'tʌ·m ʌ·geɪ'n UK: faɪnd bɔtəm əgen
my bottom dollarexp USA: maɪ' bɔ'tʌ·m dɔ'ləː· UK: maɪ bɔtəm dɔlər
discuss a bottleexp USA: dɪ"skʌ's eɪ' bɔ'tʌ·l UK: dɪskʌs eɪ bɔtl
jug and bottle departmentexp USA: ʤʌ'g ʌ·nd bɔ'tʌ·l dʌ·pɔ'rtmʌ·nt UK: ʤʌg ənd bɔtl dɪpɑtmənt
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