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Hungarian-French extra dictionary

Hungarian-French open and publicly listed dictionary
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34245 Words
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matches in the
curableadj USA: kyʊ'rʌ·bʌ·l UK: kjʊərəbl
curarenoun UK: kjʊrɑriː
curatenoun USA: kyʊ'rʌ·t UK: kjʊərət
curativenoun USA: kyʊ'rʌ·tɪ·v UK: kjʊərətɪv
curative powerexp USA: kyʊ'rʌ·tɪ·v paʊ'əː· UK: kjʊərətɪv paʊər
curatornoun USA: kyʊ'rʌ·təː· UK: kjʊəreɪtər
curb marketnoun USA: kəː'b mɔ'rkʌ·t UK: kəːb mɑkɪt
curb marketexp USA: kəː'b mɔ'rkʌ·t UK: kəːb mɑkɪt
curb weightnoun USA: kəː'b weɪ't UK: kəːb weɪt
curbingv USA: kəː'bɪ·ŋ UK: kəːbɪŋ
curbsidenoun USA: kəː'bsaɪ"d UK: kəːbsaɪd
curb-stonenoun USA: kəː'bstoʊ"n UK: kəːbstoʊn
curdnoun USA: kəː'd UK: kəːd
curdnoun USA: kəː'd UK: kəːd
curdv intrans v USA: kəː'd UK: kəːd
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